
Construction Preview – The Auburn Apartments

There is always an excit­ing point on a con­struc­tion site where an archi­tect starts to see some of those design ideas com­ing to real­i­ty. See just a few of the moments of com­po­si­tion com­ing togeth­er at The Auburn Apart­ments.

Appro­pri­ate­ly named for its bronze veil which cap­tures the euphor­ic after­noon light like the gold­en leafy trees that line the streets of Hawthorn, The Auburn is a series of indi­vid­ual homes which share a glis­ten­ing façade. Work­ing with a client who is both the devel­op­er and builder, the design utilis­es con­struc­tion exper­tise to cre­ate a point of dif­fer­ence in the bespoke mul­tires­i­den­tial market.

Fol­low along on Insta­gram as the project comes to completion.

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