

Collingwood White House

The Colling­wood White House is an apart­ment in an urban ware­house con­ver­sion. Like a gallery, the design uses a min­i­mal inter­ven­tion to cre­ate a refined, loft-style back­drop for the clients’ devel­op­ing col­lec­tion of colour­ful 70’s and mid cen­tu­ry fur­ni­ture and artworks. 

The dynam­ic open plan cre­ates unique inter­ac­tions with the elon­gat­ed ver­ti­cal­i­ty of the two-lev­el vol­ume and allows gen­er­ous light to pen­e­trate through the apart­ment. Dra­mat­ic dou­ble height voids cre­ate impact and con­nec­tions between the levels. 

Spaces are par­tial­ly sep­a­rat­ed by care­ful­ly posi­tioned large join­ery items, light fea­tures, and a cen­tral spi­ral stair. These inser­tions give def­i­n­i­tion and bound­ary, both ver­ti­cal­ly and hor­i­zon­tal­ly, to the var­i­ous pro­grams with­in the open vol­ume. In doing so, the design reveals sur­pris­es at every corner. 

A strat­e­gy of fea­tur­ing the exist­ing shell and its vis­i­ble his­to­ry of blem­ish­es alle­vi­at­ed the need for many new­ly con­struct­ed struc­tures. The new design incor­po­rates the reuse and redress­ing of the exist­ing kitchen, bath­room, inter­nal walls and many fit­tings. This is com­bined with a selec­tive, restrained mate­ri­als palette intro­duc­ing lay­ers of tex­ture through white raked plas­ter and peg­board empha­sis­ing the sense of open­ness throughout.

The pro­gram cre­ates flex­i­ble envi­ron­ments to accom­mo­date liv­ing and work­ing func­tions. The ground lev­el focus­es of pub­lic open spaces while the upper lev­el cre­ates a point of dif­fer­ence with more seclud­ed zones for sleep­ing and work­ing. Posi­tioned on the upper lev­el, a more inti­mate liv­ing space off the mas­ter suite is dis­tin­guished by its moody dark blue colour. 

Through reuse and restrained inter­ven­tion, the Colling­wood White House is reimag­ined as an inter­ac­tive space that acts as a rich back­drop for fea­tur­ing the own­ers’ eclec­tic col­lec­tion of fur­ni­ture and art.

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