
Houses Magazine - Kitchens and Bath

If you want to deep dive into the Kitchens and Bath­rooms in Three Sto­ries North, this is your chance! Hous­es Kitchens and Baths has done a fea­ture on just that! They’ll give you a look inside the extra bath­rooms not pre­vi­ous­ly pub­lished and also include detailed draw­ings on the areas in focus. For exam­ple, have you seen the tra­di­tion­al cast-iron bath sur­round­ed by exist­ing brickwork?

Grab a copy on news­stands now or get it straight to your home by pur­chas­ing dig­i­tal­ly! All of the con­tent none of the contact!

See more press includ­ing projects by Splin­ter Society.

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