
Deeds Brewing – Under Construction

As beer is obvi­ous­ly an essen­tial item, our project with Deeds Brew­ing is forg­ing ahead to become an excit­ing new venue, set to soon offer a warm wel­come back to social­i­sa­tion. With the brew­ing facil­i­ty com­plet­ed, the tap­room will put vis­i­tors deep inside the brew­ery, enabling them to embrace the engag­ing process of pro­duc­ing beer in this indus­tri­al ware­house set­ting. Work­ing close­ly with our well estab­lished and high­ly regard­ed clients to pro­duce a unique offer­ing, Deeds Brew­ing will soon be a full-scale mul­ti-sen­so­ry beer extravaganza. 

Fol­low on Insta­gram for more con­struc­tion and com­ple­tion updates com­ing soon! Until then, stock up for all your at-home and pic­nic bev­er­age needs with direct order­ing from Deeds Brew­ing.

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