
Cubitt Place Renderings

Cur­rent­ly in progress, Cubitt Place will soon be a refined, mod­ern 10 lev­el com­mer­cial build­ing in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Pace Devel­op­ment Group locat­ed in Cre­morne. With archi­tec­ture by JCB, Splin­ter Soci­ety was engaged to devel­op the con­cepts for the gen­er­ous pub­lic spaces includ­ing a work­ing lob­by and café on the ground lev­el and a bespoke com­mu­nal rooftop lounge over­look­ing an incred­i­ble view of the city. The premise for the build­ing chal­lenges the ster­ile office par­a­digm, replac­ing it with some­thing more con­tem­po­rary and styl­ish to trans­form the work­place into an invit­ing des­ti­na­tion. A post-COVID response, the design is cen­tred on inte­grat­ing well­ness ideas into the inte­ri­or spaces, notably the lux­u­ry end-of-trip facil­i­ties. See what this will even­tu­al­ly look like in the project renderings.

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